Petals (Tabs)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

First thank you card going out in today's mail

Today is the 6th and marks my first Thank you card I am sending to our soldiers. Here is a link I found with the assistance of Uncle Google. If you are inspired to send a thank you card or drawing, even a care package, please look into it. Make the day of a soldier fighting for you!!
Thank you!
MJ and her 101 goals

Send a letter (snagged this from their site)

We are asking individuals, schools, churches, businesses, and other organizations to write cards, letters, emails, and prayer messages of appreciation to our military. It is our goal to see that our military (active, reserve, and veterans) receive these messages, whether they are serving at home, abroad, or are injured in hospitals. To get started, read the guidelines below:
  1. Do not put letters in individual envelopes. Send multiple letters in bundles
  2. Do not send edible items
  3. Do not use loose glitter, confetti, or anything that is not attached to the letter or card
  4. Only include positive messages. Any negative messages will be discarded
  5. Be creative! Draw pictures, talk about you, and let them know their work does not go unnoticed
  6. Include your address or email address if you wish. Most military will write back to you!
Mail To:

A Million Thanks
17853 Santiago Blvd. #107-355
Villa Park, CA 92861

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Sacagawea Heritage Trail

Here it is...the trail...goal #34:  Who is coming with me?  I am thinking this is going to be done on a nice Spring Day when it isn't sweltering in the Tri-Cities heat or in the early Fall when it isn't sweltering in the Tri-Cities heat!  What say you? 

Sacagawea Heritage Trail
The Sacagawea Heritage Trail Project is a recreational and educational trail along twenty-three miles of beautiful Columbia River shoreline in Tri-Cities, Washington. The trail is dedicated to the lone woman on the Lewis and Clark expedition. The bi-modal trail and all trail amenities enable all outdoor enthusiasts to experience an environmentally sound and unique shrub-steppe habitat and gain a greater awareness and appreciation for the experiences of the Corps of Discovery in the Mid-Columbia region.
The Sacagawea Heritage Trail plays on the vision for a continuous bicycle and pedestrian route connecting the Tri-Cities. The trail, showcasing interpretive opportunities, is intended to serve as an amenity for both local residents and visitors to the area. The non-motorized loop routes along the riverfronts in the Tri-Cities area, and create linkages with waterfront parks. The trail system includes Class I multi-purpose trails, sidewalks, Class II bike routes (striped bike lanes) and Class III bike routes (signed bike routes).
The Tri-Cities area is fortunate to have extensive river frontage along the Columbia, Yakima and Snake Rivers. Much of the riverfront is in public ownership, either through the Army Corps of Engineers, Cities, Benton and Franklin Counties, Port districts or State Parks. Portions of the trail route have been developed through parks, and along levees and streets. Individual jurisdictions have also completed trail improvements in conjunction with other waterfront development.
Interpretive topics are portrayed along the route. This includes a variety of natural, historical, and cultural topics with an emphasis on specific sites of local interest. This list could be expanded if other appropriate topics come to light. These displays are of interest to both locals interested in preserving the local heritage, and to tourists learning about the area. The actual interpretive displays take a number of forms, from signage to sculptural elements. Interpretive displays add substantially to the enjoyment of trail facilities by the public.
Creation of the Master Plan involved input from a number of local jurisdictions, including: the Cities of Kennewick, Pasco and Richland; Benton and Franklin Counties; and the Ports of Benton, Kennewick and Pasco. Overall coordination for the planning process was provided by the Tri-Cities Visitor and Convention Bureau. An Interlocal Staff Committee composed of representatives from each of the above agencies and jurisdictions met with the consultant team to review and discuss existing conditions and proposed planning elements. The planning process began in December, 1999, and was completed in August, 2000.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let the goals begin:

Happy New Year to you all.  Today begins an exciting journey for me.  I was talking to one of my best friends last night, telling him about my goals.  He asked which goal I think would be the easiest.  I told him that I hope it would be goal # 42 - Locate my best childhood friend Andrea Huxoll.  I was hoping all I'd have to do is type her name into a search bar in this really neat networking site.  (You know the one).  Well, I did just that, and voila'! There she was!  She looks so beautiful!  I sent her a message with a friend request.  I hope she remembers me and we can catch up! 

As far as the list, well, it has begun.  I hope you all come with me on this fun journey.  I hope it inspires you as well. 

Have a blessed New Year!  Come back and visit me often!