Oh man oh man! Looking over my 101 goals and looking back on the last 45 days, I am realizing that there are a few goals that I ALREADY dropped the ball on!! I can blame being lazy, I can blame the weather, I can blame lack of time, I can blame lack of money, but whatever the REAL reason, I can blame ONLY me. While I am feeling down on myself and like a total failure, I know that GOALS can be picked right back up from where I left off. That is what I am exactly going to do!!
Starting February 13th, (FINALLY, a nice day to be outside), I ran my mile - the pledge I have neglected for at least 2 weeks. Not only did I run, I ran with Oliver! He loved it but was very confused at what the heck was going on - that is because I never run with him. Guess what my furry friend? You're in for a treat!!
I am holding myself accountable, and while doing so, I am sharing with you what I have "failed" on or not followed through with. I ask that you please keep encouraging me and believing in me!
6) 100 day run challenge - yeah that didn't last long - I did soooooo good at the beginning of January then I just stopped. 2/13 marks day 1...again...
16) substitute every side of fries - FAILED! I am weak. I caved in. Good thing is I have cut back on my consumption though. Next time I go out to eat and fries are an option...I will say thanks but no thanks.
18) Turbo Jam - I at least took it out of the package. Sigh.
22) Walk Oliver once a week...we are in the 7th week of the year, he's be "walked" once - changing this now too.
24) Journal food/exercise intake - you would think this is the easiest of them all since I am at my desk/computer/phone ALL day but no - there have been a few days I didn't journal. I loved seeing my calories written down - it dropped me 4.6 pounds. I want that feeling back!! Journaling started over (and I set my alarm on my phone to go off daily to remind me to journal).
25 and 26) 32oz of water and daily vitamin. While this hasn't knowingly happened daily - I can say my daily water intake has increased and I more than likely have consumed my daily amount but not recording it is me not knowing. And I know I haven't taken a daily vitamin like I should. (My daily reminder should say journal AND vitamin).
29) Can you believe I did not treat a friend to lunch in January?? Guess 2 friends in February get treated!! =)
30) Make 12 layouts a month - I made 6 in January. This needs to be kicked up a notch - no excuse since I go to a monthly crop anyway!!
38) Self portrait of myself once a week - I wanted to do this to watch myself shrink. I took one picture of me in January. Sigh.
45 and 46) Keep up on laundry and dishes - while I have done this AND got my husband on board, this hasn't been as successful as I had hoped for. We have both, as a team improved on this though and let me tell you, it is soooooo nice coming home to an empty sink or a hall cleared of laundry piles. We are getting there!!
50) Deep clean banos once a month - well, they haven't been DEEP cleaned in January, cleaned yes, but not DEEP clean. I do believe I can add "calories" to my day by doing high level chores!!!
51) Take Oliver to the dog park - I WILL blame the weather on this one.
52) Keep up on the backyard - both my hubs and I have done this chore and it SUCKS but that is part of owning a dog and having young children. I wanted this to be a weekly chore - again, I can blame the weather but this weekend looks to be nice so you will see me out there picking up!!
55) 2 pieces a month for PPD - there will be 4 extra pieces done in February and I have them picked out already. This is very important to me and my business partner. I will not let her down. I will jump for joy though because....we have had about 5 orders already this year!!!
57 and 59) Go on a date once a month with Jeff and Trenton (errands do not count) - sigh. I have let the 2 most important men in my life down. =( I think I should double this up in February!
61) Read to my kids EACH night - My daughter...sob....can...read...sob...on...sob...her...own. She'd rather read herself or sing with me. But that is ok. We still do our nightly "thing" - and Trenton, well he's just going through something...he just wants to cuddle, doesn't focus on books, AND wants to sleep in mommy and daddy's bed. When we lay him down - wait for it...he screams! We let him cry it out - but then he wakes up about 3:00am wailing!
63) Weekly monthly challenge - while this has been done faithfully by me weekly, there have been 2 occasions where I neglected to register a debit transaction AND before my bank set me up with an NSF fee, my account is set to take money from savings to the checking account to avoid the NSF. Each time though, I DID replace the amount of money in there. So, I guess this is still going? I haven't exactly failed this one?!
64) 40 day love challenge - boo on me! Nothing happened between Jeff and I, we haven't bickered in a long time - I just dropped the ball on this one too. He is so very important to me! I WILL be picking this back up TODAY!! Valentine's Day.
68) Do not touch money from weekly challenge - see above.
83 and 84) Are you still reading this? How depressing!! I am so done typing my failures out. Well, if you are still reading - nope, haven't recycled all I can NOR used reusable/declined bags at the store. Man! What is wrong with me. =(
Well, that is all I needed to do, type, re-read. I am back in the game and I hope my next "failure" post isn't about failing on any of my goals. I hope its a post about a "Nailed It!"
pin from Pinterest!
Pinterest "Nailed It!" Images < ------------------ I needed this laugh!!
Ciao Bellas and Bellos,