Petals (Tabs)

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

101 goals in 1,001 days!

As promised, here are my goals for the next 1,001 days!  Follow me, encourage me, hold me accountable!  I am very excited for this round!! XOXOXO
Ciao' Bellas and Bellos,


101 GOALS IN 1,001 DAYS
Starting: January 1, 2014 - - Ending: September 30, 2016
1. Lose 10 pounds
2. Lose 10 more pounds
3. Lose another 10 pounds
4. Lose additional 10 pounds
5. Lose final 15 pounds
6. 100 day run challenge (January 1 - April 10, 2014)
7. Ride my bike 
8. Find, wear and update my fitbit 
9. Join Bikram Yoga (hot yoga) and go!
10. Park in the farthest parking spot 
11. NO MORE POP! My goal, by the time September 2016 is here is to be pop free!!  I wish I could cut it out cold turkey but I think this is going to have to be a process in the making. 
12. Girls on the Run – season 2 (and season 3 and season 4 and season get the idea)
13. Go roller skating at least one time a month   Rollarena Schedule
14. 3 more 5K’s
15. Walk/ride the Heritage Trail
16. Substitute every side of fries
17. My Swap-ortunity (along with yopliat, I am thinking going low fat options, then fat free options)!
18. Turbo Jam plan
19. Secret Goal #1
20. Participate in a Disneyland Run 
21. Give up all added/unnecessary sugar for week.
22. Walk Oliver once a week
23. Hike Badger once a month
24. Journal food/exercise intake
25. Drink 24-32 oz water every day (this could easily fall under goal 27)!
26. Take a Woman's Health Vitamin each day
27. Do something that I never thought I'd do
28. Learn the lyrics to Baby Got Back
29. Treat a friend to lunch once a month
30. Make 12 scrapbook layouts a month 
31. Try out for a local production
32. Finish UFO's (my un-finished objects)
33. Go to lunch with my mother
34. Try a "new to me" item off the menu 
35. Read 10 books cover to cover
36. Get up early than normal for one week
37. Self breast exam once a month
38. Take a self portrait of myself once a week  
39. Learn to ski
40. Go to a movie by myself
41. Go to a Maroon 5 concert
42. Do/Make one new pin per month
43. Secret Goal #2
44. Get my tattoo!!
45. 2 PPD pieces a month Pea Pod Decor Wall Art
46. Badger Mountain Elementary Bazaar
47. Keep up on dishes 
48. Keep up on the laundry 
49. The be used as a 2 car garage
50. Decorate our home for the seasons/holidays
51. Use shed for tools and equipment
52. Deep clean the banos at least once a month
53. Take Oliver to the Dog Park
54. Keep up the backyard
55. Mud Room
56. Make 10 new meals in the slow cooker
57. Go on a date with Jeff once a month
58. Go on a date with Hailey once a month
59. Go on a date with Trenton once a month
60. Take the family camping at Lake Wenatchee
61. Read to my kids EACH night
62. Adopt a Family at Christmas
63. Weekly money challenge each year
64. 40 day love challenge 
65. Brittney Kluse Photoshoot She's Amazeballs!
66. Potty train Trenton before he is 3
67. Polar Express Excursion
68. Do not touch money from the challenge
69. Camp at Crater Lake
70. Purchase a tent camper
71. Braces 
72. Lasik eye surgery...I think. 
73. Go on a cruise
74. Spa Trip with Deb
75. Family vaycay to Disneyland/World
76. Water Park Tour
77. Ride the bus to/from work for one month
78. Recycle all I can
79. Use reusable/decline bags at all stores
80. Pick up all garbage I walk over or past
81. Perform community service  
82. Have a successful garden
83. Float the Yakima with Jenn
84. Join a Bible Study
85. Take a painting class
86. Sit with someone dining alone
87. Join a book club
88. Learn to play piano
89. Write in my journal
90. Listen to instrumental music instead of turning TV on
91. Donate blood 
92. Donate plasma
93. Donate bone marrow
94. Compliment a stranger once a week
95. Thank a soldier every time I see one
96. Give up Facebook for one month
97. Maintain my blog 
98. Post 2 videos on You Tube
99. No TV for one day per week
100. No talking/texting on my cell phone while driving
101. Finish this list!!
102. Buy/do something for the house once a month
103. Stay on top of Christmas cards
104. Host a "no cell phone" dinner with game night
105. Catch up on baby record books


Anonymous said...

You can do this! We both can!

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